Work It Out: How To Boost Your Health And Wellbeing At Your Desk

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Did you know that the average US adult spends around 37 hours per week at work? Many of us devote more time to sitting at a desk than we do to anything else. That said, it’s crucial to make sure you take good care of yourself at work. Here are some tips to help you prevent common illnesses, avoid injury and improve your health and well being.

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Get your posture right
Back pain is the most common ailment reported by US workers. If you spend long periods of time sitting or standing on a daily basis, it’s vital to adopt and maintain good posture. If you’re slumped in your seat, or you’re slouching, this will increase pressure on the muscles surrounding your spine, and you may find that you experience pain. If you have a desk job, your employer should provide you with a supportive, comfortable chair, which you can adjust to ensure that you are at the perfect height to type without reaching for the keyboard. Sit up straight with your shoulders back, and make sure that your eye line is level with the monitor. If you have troubles with your back, it may be beneficial to see a physical therapist or an osteopath.

Pay attention to safety warnings and advisory notices
You might think that an office is a hazard-free zone, but you’d be wrong. Every workplace presents dangers, and there’s always a risk of accidents, most commonly, slips, trips, and falls. Your employer has a duty to try and protect you from accidents and injury, but it’s your responsibility to pay attention to warnings and advisory notices. If you slipped, and there were no warnings in place, you could browse this site to find out more about making a claim. If you had a fall, but you were at fault, for example, you weren’t looking where you were going, you would be liable for the accident.

Learn to cope with stress
Stress is a very common illness in society today. Most people have days when work stresses them out, but if you find that you’re stressed all the time, or you’re under constant or mounting pressure, it’s beneficial to take action. Talk to your boss if your workload is getting on top of you, take some time off, and look after yourself. Severe stress sometimes requires intensive treatment, but often, self-help techniques can help. Get some fresh air if you need time out, try meditation, and exercise on a regular basis. Some people also find activities such as breathing exercises and yoga beneficial. If you find that these methods of relaxation don’t help, and stress is getting the better of you, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.

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Most of us devote a significant portion of our time to work. When you’re at work, it’s very easy to get distracted by meetings, spreadsheets, and conference calls, but don’t forget to make time for your health. Sit up straight, pay attention to health and safety notices, and don’t let stress grind you down.


with love,
