Picture Perfect: Feeling Confident In Front Of The Camera

Collaborative Post

I get it. Some of us just don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera. Pictures can form such a big part of lives these days thanks to smart phones having amazing cameras. It means that we have more opportunity than ever before to capture the moments, but it isn’t great if you don’t feel confident in front of the camera. However, failing to get in front of the camera now, may leave you feeling a whole heap of regret in the future when you don’t have much to look back on. Or if you find you are the one snapping photos behind the camera. So, I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can feel more confident in front of the camera.

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Be confident with your smile

One of the first things to do when you don’t feel comfortable with being in front of the camera is to smile more often. Faking a smile is always going to be more noticeable and won’t look as genuine as a natural smile. It may sound strange, but the best way to become more natural with your smile is to do it more often. That might mean smiling as you walk past people in the street, smiling more in work. Whatever works for you. Getting comfortable with it will make it easier to be more natural in front of the camera. There are many websites that can offer you great tips.

What is making you feel uncomfortable?

Smiling is a difficult one though, and I understand that not everyone is happy with their natural smile for many reasons. It could be that you are uncomfortable with how your teeth look when you do smile. Maybe you don’t think they are white enough or you want them to be straighter and more in line. However, you can take action to reduce your insecurities, teeth whitening, and even braces from websites like www.beachbraces.org are much more readily available to you. Tackling what makes you feel uncomfortable in the first place will help you in the future.

Be picture ready

If you know that there is a chance that you might need to be picture ready then make sure you feel confident in your appearance. If you like some makeup on, then do it, even if it is just to get some even coverage to your skin tone. If your hair is looking like it needs some attention style it and brush it. Make some effort to feel good, and do what makes you feel at your best.

Is it simply remembering to be in the picture rather than taking it?

Finally, the biggest issue we can have is just remembering to be in front of the camera in the first place. We can often be guilt of taking the pictures, The one who is happy to snap the memories rather than making them, but this will be your biggest regret as you get older. Make more effort to be in them. Ask someone to take a picture or use the selfie mode instead. You will be happier knowing that you were part of it.

I hope that this has encouraged you to be more confident in front of the camera.


with love,
